Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Weight loss!

Well I FINALLY got my gym membership at the YMCA. Then the boys got sick and so I had to wait 4 days to use grr!! But I went Tuesday 03/03/2009 it was the first time I have worked out hard since before I had my first son. I did the elliptical machine for 30 minutes I was very proud of myself. I decide I would start working out my arms first so I did two different machines one working out my triceps and then my biceps. I am not looking to get big arms just toned and smaller. So we will see how that goes. After I worked my arms I walked on the treadmill for 10 mins then ran for 5 mins then walked another 5 mins. Then I called it a day. I felt really good afterwards!!


Aimers said...

Congratulations on joining the YMCA and working out! It is hard to get into a routine sometimes but well worth the effort. Keep up the great work!

Unknown said...

Way to go girl. Keep up the great work. If you ever don't feel like going, ping me then I'll remind you that you don't want to end up like me and have bariatric surgery. take care of yourself when your younger and you will lead a healthier life. hugs and love... auntie cc