Friday, September 12, 2008

My first night with no kids!

Last night was the first night in about two years I slept with out having to get up to feed or check on a baby or even go to the bathroom.
My two year old use to love going to bed sometimes he would tell us good night and head to his room but the last month or so he has ended up in my bed. First, it started with getting up with his dad in the morning and then in the middle of the night and then he just would not go to bed in his room. Now, my other son just turned one and stopped nursing at night so I decide to put him in his crib that is in the room he shares with his older brother. So, Monday night was the first night we tired this, my oldest son cried and screamed till finally I put him in bed with my husband because I had to get my hours in for work. Now the baby slept int he crib for the first time all night by himself, I was so proud. Next night Tuesday, put both of them in there was not going to let anyone out this time, I was determined. They cried and cried, I kept going in the to put them back in their bed and lay them down. I would say the baby slept off and on waking up with his brother screamed for too long but for the most part he was good. The oldest just kept getting up and throwing his pillow and blanket over the gate. Finally, I stayed with him until he went to sleep. About 2am I got up because the oldest one was screaming crying at his gate with pillow and blanket thrown over the gate again. I went in there put him back in his bed, turned his music on and waited until I thought he was asleep as soon as I got to the door he jumped out of his bed crying mommy. I decided to lay back down and see if he would cry it out. After trying to sleep over his crying and screaming I got up and it was an hour and half later. I opened my door to find him sitting at the gate with his legs through it screaming crying, lights on and blanket and pillow thrown over the gate again. I really don't know how my baby did not wake up during all of this, I'm sure he did sleep good. I decided at that point I would probably have to sleep in there, so I grabbed the mattress pad someone made for the playpen, my pillow and blanket and laid down in their room on the floor. I did not sleep good at all and my oldest woke up bright and early 3 hours later. I thought there is no way he slept enough I know I did not. Needless to say it was a rough day. Now nap time is a different story they play but then they go to sleep no crying or screaming. So, lets continue on to Wednesday, I put them both in their bed and waited a couple minutes and then left. About, an hour or so later the baby woke up crying and the oldest was awake too so I stayed for a couple minutes and then let them cry it out, not very long. So peace and quite until 4am the oldest woke up and I put him back in his bed and stayed for a couple minutes then went and laid back down. No one else got up or cried until about 8 when I awoke to them laughing and playing. I was so happy, I took them to the beach and out for pizza. Now last night I put them to bed and did not go back on their room until morning. It was great!! I thought after Tuesday night it could not have gotten any worse and uphill we went!! I am so proud of my boys and thankful for my bed back!!

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