Sunday, September 21, 2008

Special K Diet

So, I bought Special K awhile back and I was going through my cabinet and it caught my eye. I saw on the box it said 'Drop a jean size in 2 weeks'. Um mm...I thought, I can do that what do I have to do eat cereal all day. So I continued to read eat special K in the morning and breakfast and have a regular dinner and can snack on special K bars. I decide to try it, this was Monday. Its now Sunday and I feel like I have lost some weight. I can tell in the way my clothes feel and in the mirror. I do not own a scale but I will try to get to one to see after the two weeks to see how much weight I have lost. I am very happy with the results so far. I don't find that I am hungry and if I do start to feel like I might need a snack I drink some water and eat a special K snack. The special K cereal and bars are very good, not anything nasty or flavorless. I would recommend other people to try it. I should have measured myself but I always see how my clothes fit to be the true test. I bought special K cereal and snacks when Publix had them buy 1 get 1 free and the snack 3 for $7 but I think walmart has them on sale this week. I have not done an exercise or anything different in my routine. Look for another update in a week!

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